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What is Homeopathy?

Since its creation by Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago, Homeopathy is now the second largest system of medicine in the world today, as recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO). It continues to benefit millions of people both young and old, all over the world. 


Homeopathy is a safe, natural form of complementary medicine that stimulates the body’s own healing mechanisms to address symptoms and restore vital balance. It is based on the principle of ‘like cures like’. A homeopathic prescription is based on the symptoms displayed. And the remedy required to help resolve these symptoms is one that is derived of a substance that can produce these similar symptoms in a healthy person. The ‘similar’ remedy stimulates the natural ability to heal and find balance like a key that fits only one particular lock. For example, a patient suffering from hayfever may benefit from the homeopathic remedy Allium Cepa (onion) because it produces similar symptoms, ie: watery eyes or runny nose.


Its success is due to several factors: 

  • Homeopathic remedies use natural ingredients

  • Homeopathy is safe so that even babies and pregnant women can use it without dangerous side effects.

  • Homeopathy is a holistic treatment looking at all symptoms as one, which means that it looks to resolve the root cause, not just the symptoms. 

  • Homeopathy works with your immune system, unlike some conventional medicines that suppress the immune system or burden it.

  • Homeopathy is a complementary therapy that can be taken safely alongside other medication


Remedies are made from small amounts of natural substances such as minerals and plants. For example: marigold (Calendula), Sulphur (the mineral), or the sting of a bee (Apis). They are prepared, or ‘potentised’ using a process of repeated dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking).


The end result is a remedy that is non-toxic, with no danger of overdose or addiction. Homeopathic remedies are available in a range of potencies, and are carefully chosen to match the symptoms and energy of each individual patient.

Bottles of Homeopathy Globules

A Healthy Balance For You

The mind and the body are not two separate entities—although they are often treated that way. Physical health and emotional health are intimately intertwined in what’s known as the mind-body connection.

Our chemistry and biology impact our mood and emotions, as well as thoughts and beliefs.

The Homeopathic journey treats the patient as a whole entity, the mind, body and spirit, linking all three aspects in order to address the overall wellbeing and restoring Vital Balance.


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