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The Homeopathic Consultation

Before your consultation with me, you will be asked to complete and return an information sheet that asks questions about you, your lifestyle and your health status.


During the initial consultation, around 1 1/2 hours duration, I will spend time with you to build a picture of your medical history, general health, sleep, eating habits, emotional history, relationships, likes, dislikes and your symptom experiences.

Taking all this information into account, I am able to build a picture of your physical, emotional and mental elements that make you unique and identify the right remedy to prescribe.

The homeopathic remedy(s) is given in a small amount, and aimed at starting the body’s healing process. Through follow-up appointments, around 1 hour duration, I will assess your progress and if required, make adjustments to the remedy(s).

In Homeopathy, as in functional medicine, the individual is viewed as a functional entity composed of three parts – physical (body), emotional (feeling) and mental (cognition) elements. Combined, these elements speak to the uniqueness of every individual and each illness within them.


Therefore, each Homeopathic treatment is unique to you, tailored for your individual needs.

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